Treating Ringworm in Infants

Treating Ringworm in Infants

Ringworm is a type of fungal infection that is very contagious and can be common among young children and babies. Despite its name, ringworm is not caused by parasitic worms but by a fungus called tinea corporis. When skin is infected with this fungus, small circle or ring-shaped patterns develop on the baby’s skin. These patterns can also be red, itchy and may have dry or scaly surfaces. It is the ring-shaped pattern that ringworm gets its name from.

Treating Ringworm in InfantsThe official medical term this affliction is tinea, however there are is more than one type of tinea infection. Each affliction is named depending on where they are on the body. Tinea corporis is the name of a ringworm infection that is on the body but there are other types including tinea pedia which is more commonly referred to as athlete’s foot or tinea cruris which is referred to as jock itch. If the ringworm infection is located on the scalp it is referred to as tinea capitis. Ringworm in children is most commonly developed on the body or the scalp and is rarely caught in the form of jock itch or athlete’s foot though it is not impossible for children to be infected with any of the types of tinea.

Children and babies may transmit ringworm in several ways. One of the most common ways to get ringworm is through direct contact with someone who is infected.  Tinea can also spread through personal items like linens or hair brushes that have not been properly cleaned after being handled by someone infected with ringworm. Pets, especially young pets, are also likely culprits in the spread of ringworm. Young puppies or kittens do not have the fully developed immune system needed to ward of ringworm and they are more prone to carrying it and passing it on than older animals may be.

Treating Ringworm in InfantsThe symptoms of ringworm are distinct and usually present in the same way with red circular rashes on the skin. The circles may be raise or flat and they can occur anywhere on the body. Sometimes the circles may be scaly and in fewer circumstances there might be blisters or small bumps on the lesions. In between the circles, skin usually appears as normal however the size of the infected areas can vary from being quite small to a couple of inches in diameter. These lesions are often very itchy and children may find them irritating. If the infection happens in the scalp, there might be some hair loss in the affected area.

Treating ringworm is usually done with an anti-fungal medication that may be purchased either from a pharmacy or by prescription from a medical professional.

One of the most common ingredients in this medications is called clotrimazole. This active ingredients an anti-fungal and is usually directed to be applied to infected areas twice a day. While babies might require two weeks of treatment at a minimum, often ringworm infections can take up to a month to remove entirely. It is important to consult a paediatrician when deciding what medication to use for a child’s rash, especially if the ringworm infection has not gotten better after two continuous weeks of using a medicine.

It is possible to avoid spreading ringworm between children and adults through hand washing. Washing your hands after dealing with an infected person can prevent the rampant spread of ringworm through a community. Children should be prevented from scratching their infected areas as this will in flame them as well as cause them to spread. Children’s clothing and linens should all be washed and dried carefully or else discarded in order to prevent the return or spread of ringworm. Ringworm can be contagious before symptoms occur and children are often clear of being contagious only 48 hours after treatment has begun.

Is It Ringworm?

Is It Ringworm?

Ringworm is an infection caused by fungus. It is very contagious and is easily passed between people through human contact or through contact with an object that is infected with ringworm. Ringworm can also be passed through soil. Ringworm is most commonly transmitted through pets with cats being large carriers of ringworm. Ringworm comes from a fungus and its scientific name is dermatophytes. What a fungus is called often depends on where it finds its host. A fungus that lives within a human’s skin is called ‘anthropophilic’ where as a fungus that lives within an animal’s skin is call ‘zoophilic’. There are types of fungi that live only in soil and these are referred to as ‘geophlic’ fungus. All three types of fungi produce spores that may infect humans, however a human’s immune response often does not react to anthrophilic fungus because they are so common in humans that they do not often spark a reaction. If a human has a skin reaction from an immune response to a dermatophyte, it is likely that this fungi is of the zoophilic or geophilic types.Is It Ringworm?

One kind type of ringworm infection can cause red, irritable patches in to appear on someone’s scalp. These patches are usually in a round shape and can grow over time. This type of ringworm is referred to as tinea capitis and it can leave bald patches on the affected areas of the scalp. This type of ringworm is very contagious especially among children who are still in school. The close contact allows tinea capitis to be passed from child to child as well as adults. Tinea capitis can also be passed from pets to their owners.

Tinea cruris is another common type of ringworm infection. Tinea cruris which is often referred to as ‘jock itch’ produces an irritated skin reaction in the groin area.

Is It Ringworm?This type of ringworm fungus thrives in areas that are dark and moist and so the groin area is an ideal place for tinea cruris to grow. The many sweat glands that are located here help the fungus to grow and if the area is not properly ventilated to allow for air flow, the fungus can get much worse.

Adult men suffer from tinea cruris more than any other age group. Tinea cruris is commonly passed by sharing towels between people.

Tinea pedia is a ringworm infection that often infects the feet. Often called ‘athlete’s foot’, tinea pedia often occurs between the toes because of the small spaces and moisture build up.

Wearing shoes that breathe and avoiding synthetic fiber in socks can help prevent the fungus from getting worse. The fungus can spread to the rest of the feet and often produces an uncomfortable itching or burning. Athlete’s food is often contracted in areas like pools, steam rooms or showers.

A ringworm infection that manifests in the body is often called ‘tinea corporis’. Tinea corporis lives under the surface of the skin and can produce rashes and red rings on the skin. There are many ways to be infected by tinea corporis and they include contact with animals, infected soils or by touching infected objects. The most common carriers of ringworm include cats, goats, ferrets, horses, dogs and rabbits.

Ringworm Related Infections

Ringworm Related Infections

Fungal infections can be a part of the everyday lives of active children. Locker rooms, showers and sweaty clothes are the prime breeding grounds of the fungi that cause ringworm, jock itch and athlete’s foot. These fungal infections are known as tinea and they are the product of a fungi called dermatophytes which love dark, warm, moist areas and can live anywhere on the body including skin and hair.

Ringworm Related infectionsThe way these infections manifest themselves depends on what part of the body they are found on and where they were picked up. Fungal infections can be passed through soil, pets and other people. People who have minor injuries to their skin like breakages or scratches are more likely to suffer from skin infections. Skin infections can be uncomfortable especially for children. However, they can be easily treated either with an anti-fungal medication or by treatment from a doctor.

Ringworm is a common type of fungal infection that often manifests itself in the scalp or on the skin of the person infected. Its name does not come from a worm but because the rash on the skin is a small ring or circular shape and some say that it looks as though there’s a worm under the skin.

The sores may present themselves as being small, circular and red sores on the skin which may also become scaly or flaky. They are often irritated and if they occur on the scalp they may result in hair falling out of the affected area. The patches are red and itchy and they may either be raised or flat. Less commonly, these sores may become inflamed and ooze fluid. This infection may also result in swollen lymph glands on the back of the person’s head. Ringworm may also cause an infection in the fingernails or toenails. If this happens, the nails on the affected areas might become thick and brittle.

Ringworm Related infectionsTreating ringworm is quite easy to do and it is also quite easy to diagnose. Doctors can usually recognize it by looking at it or they may test some of the skin for fungus. Doctors usually recommend some type of anti-fungal medication in the form of an ointment, lotion, cream or powder however when the infection lies deep in the skin doctors may offer an oral medication with anti-fungal properties. All treatments showed be taken as directed or prescribed even if it seems the rash is clearing up prematurely.

Doctors may also recommended anti-fungal soaps and shampoos to prevent further spread of the tinea spores. This is especially important for children of school age to prevent fungal infections from running rampant through schools and day care centers.

Preventing ringworm can be difficult in children but  it is not impossible. Because ringworm often spreads through skin cells or hair, it is important to prevent children from sharing personal items like brushes, combs, hats and pillows with each other.

Making sure that children wear clean and dry clothes to school can also stop children from bringing infectious diseases from their homes into schools. Ringworm may be spread from barber’s tools or from shared tools in the classroom but this is why it is very important to teach children to wash their hands thoroughly.

The Anti-Ringworm Diet

How To Treat And Prevent Ringworm With Your Diet

If someone told you that changing your diet to get rid of ringworm was an option, you may think this was impossible. However, ringworm is actually caused by a fungus, not a parasite, and nutritional changes have been shown to be very effective in helping your body fight off fungal infections – and even treat them!
If you are concerned you have ringworm, inspect the lesion to see if it has the following characteristics. The rash will be round, have raised edges, will itch and may even become crusty or ooze. If it’s on your scalp, you will notice bald patches forming. Your doctor will confirm the diagnosis by taking a skin sample to inspect more closely and will most likely prescribe and anti-fungal treatment. You can support this treatment by making the following changes to your diet, and it will help prevent the infection recurring.

How To Treat And Prevent Ringworm With Your DietIf your immune system is compromised, or you are rundown, you are more susceptible to getting a ringworm infection. This is where a healthy, balanced diet can really make a difference. By adding more ingredients like carrots, spinach, hot peppers and kale to your diet you will help your body produce vitamin A.

Your body can produce vitamin A when you add vegetables that are carotenoids, particularly beta-carotene, to your diet. This will help with the repair of skin tissues and may assist in the prevention of scars forming as your skin heals from the fungal infection. An easy way to ensure you are getting a mix of the right kinds of vegetables is to look at your shopping trolley and see if you have a “rainbow” of veggies – the more colours of vegetables, the more nutrient-rich your diet will be.

Eggs, dairy products, liver, fish and beef are also rich in vitamin A, which boosts your immune system and will support your body to destroy the fungus in your body. Also consider taking a daily multivitamin and a probiotic to introduce healthy bacteria enter your gut.

How To Treat And Prevent Ringworm With Your DietNatural medicine practitioners also believe that fungal infections (including ringworm) thrive on certain foods. These are foods that are high in sugar (baked goods, sweets, and even fruit), pasta and white rice (refined carbohydrates), breads and dried fruits. They propose that you remove these items from your diet, and limit your fruits to two a day. Consider doing this for a period of three months to see if this has a difference to the frequency of your ringworm infections.

More diet changes that may help include the following:

* Drink a small glass of warm water with lemon squeezed into it every morning which will help alkalise your system, making it less habitable for fungi.

* Apple cider vinegar can also help restore the balance to your gut and skin. This is thought to have a positive effect on the pH balance of your body.

* Garlic and onions both have anti-fungal properties, so add these to dishes as much as you can. Garlic also has natural antibiotic properties which will promote healing.